A 10-day Brand sprint for Nilus

nilus isn't just another platform. it's more like a lego set for developers, giving you all the pieces you need to build financial solutions without breaking a sweat. it's deep and technical but also simple and modular. perfect for any dev, whether you're dealing with transfers, compliance, or security.
our challenge? making this tech beast look user-friendly. we turned to a mix of bright colors—imagine lego bricks or a vibrant rainbow—to show off its flexibility. nilus makes moving money as easy as flowing water, so we used simple outlines in our design to show direction, capturing nilus's essence in guiding financial processes.
it’s not just a tool; it’s the backbone of modern financial operations.

Client | Nilus Nilus
Art Director | Eden Vidal
Brand Designer, Illustrator | Daryna Dubyk
Animation | Thoughts In Motion